Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things Are Getting Better

It's probably just hormones (post pregnancy hormone swings are really shitty, just so ya know), but I've been in a much better mood the past couple of days. Everything in the new apartment is working, most things are put away (we just have the living room and nursery left mostly thanks to Bryan who has been working his ass off to get everything the way he knows I'll like it...he really is the best husband in the world), and Nicholas is doing great!

We took the little guy for his 2 month appointment yesterday. I was really worried about him getting his first round of vaccinations. I read way too much on what bad could happen, and it still bugs me the number of vacs they give to kids at one time anymore. He's doing great, though. He cried until we got him out to the car, but then he went to sleep. After he woke up it was like nothing happened. He was a little extra clingy during the night, but he's been feeling fine.

The doctor seemed concerned that Nicholas weighs too much. Um...she's seen his parents? Does she think he's going to grow up a skinny kid? So what if 15 pounds is in the 97th percentile for his age? He can't be anything but a big boy. We tried last night giving him his formula without rice in it because the doctor said (he's getting too many calories). Well, he was hungry every two hours instead of every 4. So, in the end he just ended up eating more because we essentially tried to make him conform to the norm for babies his age. We aren't going to do that anymore. If our only worry is that he likes to eat too much and is a chunk for his age...then I'm not going to worry. He's my perfect little boy.

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